Artwork of the month

On this occasion, for our Artwork of the Month series we have again chosen an extraordinary 18th century volume from the collection of old and rare books in our Library:

Zimmerkunst oder Anweisung Wie allerley Arten von deutschen und welschen Thurnhauben, auch Kugelhelme, nach der neuesten Manier, zu Bedeckung der Kirchenthürme ... zu verfertigen sind, Ferner: Wie eine Glocke auf eine geometrische Art anzugeben, und zu verzeichnen ist; Auch Wie runde und ovalförmige Zulagen ... auf Kapellen und Kirchen anzuordnen sind ... Denn letztlich: Wie gemeine, Haupt- und Wendeltreppen, auch Schneckenstiegen ... anzulegen sind / Zum Unterrichte junger und unerfahrner Zimmerleute in zweenen Theilen abgehandelt von Caspar Walter. – Augsburg : Veith, 1769. – 67 p., XXXV t.fol. : ill. ; 33 cm

This expert work illustrated with foldout copperplate engravings was published in Augsburg in 1769. Its author was Walter Caspar (1701–1769), the son of a master carpenter from Augsburg. He studied like his father to be a carpenter and then to be an engineer. Starting in 1741 and continuing for several decades, he was the well master for the city of Augsburg, the director of their waterworks. Numerous innovations are linked to his name. For the most part, these relied upon his practical knowledge as a master carpenter, since a majority of the technical equipment (water wheels, water pumps and conduits or tie-rods) was made of wood. Several of his writings about the wells and water supply of Augsburg were published, prominent amongst which was his handbook entitled Hydraulica Augustana. This provides a glimpse into the operation of the water supply systems for the city of Augsburg that were created in the 15th century.

The work presented here was published in the year of his death, as a summary of the knowledge and experience he had gained in carpentry. Illustrations and accompanying descriptions of wooden construction can be found in this sample book (such as roof trusses, roof structures, woodworking joints, church steeples, domes, bell towers and staircases). They do not only give insight into the 18th century world of this craft and the skillful expertise used, but also provide important and useful assistance in researching the construction of churches from this period.

The rarity of this book in Hungary is shown by the fact that the only other known example is in the Library of the University of Pécs.

Andrea Papp


photograph: Gábor F. Tóth